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Prospective Clients

We believe in the careful cultivation of relationships.  We are inclined to accept smaller than average balances, especially in regard to retirement accounts.  If we initially perceive that we would be a good fit to work together, then we are also inclined to work with you.

Building Our Relationship

We take a consultative approach over the space of at least two meetings.  The purpose of the first meeting is to establish an understanding that you have the appropriate skill set, experience, and mindset to manage our particular relationship and personality.  We also try to correctly diagnose the problems or “pain points.”  First, we ask a series of questions in hopes that you do most of the talking.  This is also the time you can ask us questions you feel are most relevant.  During the second meeting, we return with a proposal of exactly what we propose doing, how we propose doing it, and discuss what other advisors (e.g., insurance, tax, legal) we can coordinate with to help you manage these other external, but highly relevant, affairs.

Maintaining Our Relationship

We maintain our relationship by reaching out at least once a month, even if there is no trade or activity.  We enjoy learning about your lifestyle and favorite endeavors – such as travel, clubs, and philanthropic activity – and periodically include different clients in the events that we either sponsor or co-sponsor.  We also seek to establish a rapport with your children and grandchildren, neighbors, partners, and members of your clubs and communities.

Our Meetings

Typically, we evaluate clients’ financial pictures and provide reports twice a year, though this varies from client to client.  Each meeting entails an overall evaluation of your portfolio and objectives to determine if anything has changed.  These meetings can be in person, by phone, or via Zoom.